This BLOG is the product of; What four major snow storms, do to a "stay at home mom", that needs to start channeling her energy, into something? To be honest, I dont really know, what the heck I am doing? I am a terrible speller, and my grammer stinks!
Last night, I found myself "tweeting" a massive amount of, "frustration", onto Twitter! My impulsivity, can often get me in trouble, and I find myself, "apologizing", more often than not! If I have to, "think first", and write down the most memorable parts of my day, mos. or year, I am less likely to go off into a "tangent"?? Lets see how that works out for me??
In the past few weeks; I have been confined to my home because of the massive amounts of snow, we have in CT. I have become, a victim of what, "local news","talk shows", and "reality tv", can do to a, "stay at home mom"! At 6am, its starts with, "News Channel 8", and the constant reminder of, "upcoming storms". This might affect me more, on a "personal" level, bc/ my husband plows in the winter to supplement the income he loses during, the winter mos. running his seasonal business. My husband is, hard working, but doesn't handle "stress" very well; and to say, that he has been under a lot of stress, would be an under statement? When you aren't making, "an income", somehow, the work I do, doesn't justify that level of stress? Hmmm, I will have to think about that one?
At 10 am I tune into the "3rd hour", of the Today Show. I actually, have found Hoda's choice in music refreshing and Kathie Lee to be a "straight shooter"? 11am is the View, I really only watch the, "Hot Topics", to hear Joy Behar bitch with the other ladies at the table? K so, I take a break, until 3pm! NO I don't take a nap, or get my hair done, I load my wood stove, clean the house, do laundry, shovel the snow from the roof, deck, driveway, walkway and force myself to take a shower. I mean, why would I take a shower, or put make up on, "if I am not going anywhere", right? I catch up on my emails, and look at my facebook account,and twitter accounts. I read tweats about, "socialites and real housewives", that are jet setting off to the Sundance Film Festival, and getting National regognition for all thier, "volunteer", efforts, and free merchandise to promote, etc... I don't get it, I am so much more entertaining than anyone of these ladies, "why not" feature, what a "Real Housewife" is, they are NOT a true depiction of what women are doing to survive in today's economy! It is misleading and unfair to those of us, who sacrafice, and I mean, "really", sacrafice for our families, or to keep a roof over our heads?You could say, why bother following them, if it gets you so "fired up"? There is a story there, I went to highschool with, "The Bachlorette", and she is on my facebook and twitter, so, I have,"followed" her, I guess out of curiosity? In following these, "real housewives", I have discoverd they use the social network to self-promote! So, why shouldn't I do the same thing? I can use the Social Network as a platform to share what I do to, "make it work", and "make a difference", and can use the Social Network to share what a "REAL HOUSEWIFE", REALLY is! Well that is it for my first blog, I have a lot to catch up on! x
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